We arrived on mass, daughter, mum, mum-in-law, aunt-in-law,sister-in-law, partner of sister-in-law, daughter, friend of aunt-in-law...you get the picture.
This was the first wool festival we have had in this part of the country and we were very excited. We came from far...my family travelled from Bristol/ Nottingham/ Letchworth...and some were nearer - Bedford.
Three of us (Em, Claire and me) got there early because we had signed on for a fibre workshop. We wanted to play with batts, luckily we were able to spend the morning with Jill Shepherd - Master of Colour and Batts.
Jill - Talking us through Hand Carders and Blending. | | |
She showed us how to make these blended rolls...great for spinners (Claire was excited about these - she spins!) (I'm going to learn...at some point).
Spinning Magic |
Next came THE CARDING MACHINE- YEAH!!!! I have wanted to get up close with one of these for some time. I knew I wanted to buy one, but not having used one this was the ideal opportunity to get some hands on experience to make sure it did what I needed it to do.
I never really thought there would be any technique, just feed in the fibre and turn the handle....how wrong was I? Jill carefully (and lovingly...here is a woman who enjoys her fibre) explained about the different types of carders and introduced us to this one made by Paul Brittain of
Worked beautifully and at least 3 people from the group bought one from him at the show. I think there was pleasure and panic by the time he left...he has a very long order book and he makes everything himself - he is going to be busy for some time.
Gill made the workshop great fun. She gave us great themes to help us with our colours. This example was called 'Jealous Mistress'
Nice and calm with little flashes of red. |
Emily's Rainy English Garden
Midnight in the Garden by Sarah...who went straight out and got a carder!
Claire modelling 'Traffic Jam on Motorway' - Or how to look like garden gnome?!?! Lol.
Was great fun, we were all really happy to have spent time with Jill...and then we went on to buy all manner of things. We returned home happy, but a little bit poorer. -Perfect!